So after taking a gamble on the ever changing weather, we ventured out on a field trip to meet a few other homeschoolers. It was quite cold, but didn't rain, so it was manageable.
Our family had never been to
Cat Tales but we always had it on our "to do" list. We had an excellent guide who told us about each cat and it was fun (and sad at times) to hear all of the different stories about the resident cats and how they all came to end up there.
The bear cats were particularly interesting......
Beautiful creatures to see but I wish they could be in their own habitat.
And it looks like someone didn't listen to the "Don't run, you look like food" rule!
Because it was so cold, we weren't able to eat our lunches together like we had planned so that was a disappointment. All in all though, I consider it a successful outing.
Counting the positives:
1. Short but educational.
2. Went out of my comfort zone to meet new people.
3. Crossing something off one of my many "to do" lists always brings me joy.
Hopefully we can do something again and maybe wrangle up a few more gals to join in.