Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Wants To Join Me?

So I've started off this joyous year with yoga exercising, will be adding strength training in February, and once the weather warms up a bit, will be out jogging around the neighborhood. Hopefully. Maybe. Perhaps. I'm only on step one right now. Baby steps. Gotta take baby steps. After sooo many years of pregnant, nursing, pregnant, nursing, pregnant, nursing, this young-old lady needs some serious body revamping! The finale is to join in on the Bloomsday fun this year. I remember running it as a kid, and it is one of my "new and improved me" goals. I think some of the kids might come along too. This looks to be a good year for quite a few personal ideas that have been on the back burner for longer than I care to think. Happy momma makes everyone happier!

"Take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step."

                                                                                       Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am inspired! (not to run...or jog....but yoga and strength training sound slightly "do-able"!) You are right..happy Mom makes everyone happy...and we must take care of our health (since I am getting really old, fast), and realize that I want to do everything with my little ones that I did with my big ones...and right now, I can't keep up! LOL Doesn't "charlotte mason' say lots of nature walks?! Love the new blog!
