Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Year of Challenges

Oh so, so long since I last wrote anything. I was sucked into the facebook vortex and have not been able to get away from it! But I am determined to journal more on my blog this year. I have such a hard time remembering things that I really would benefit from having my thoughts cataloged somewhere. So that's my first challenge to myself; blog more.
The second challenge is what this post is really about. I read about a few people reading their bibles in 90 days and decided to join in. I didn't register or anything but I have stuck with the reading plan (so far) and am enjoying it thoroughly. Many people have never read their bibles all the way through and I have to admit that there are a few portions I don't think I have quite read completely. But for the most part I believe I have read pretty much the whole thing. Just not on this quick of a time frame. I've never done the bible-in-a-year deal either. Several years ago after we started celebrating the biblical feasts, we also started reading the Torah portions each week on Shabbat. Since then, I have read and studied through the Torah (first five books) several times. What I love about that system is the amazing interlocking message and explanation it has for those of us that went to church for years but never really connected the dots between the "old" and the "new" testament. Before that, I hadn't read too much of the old testament beyond a few "stories" and the Psalms and Proverbs. Now with this 90 day challenge, it really will put the whole story together, fresh in my mind, in a short period of time. It doesn't allow time for any in-depth study but I am taking notes of things to possibly look up later. I've been faithfully reading everyday since the 3rd and have just finished up with Exodus. I am using the NET bible and this translation has so many fascinating notes that it is hard at times to stay focused! Something I am particularly excited about is if I stay the course, even if I add on several days for flexibility, I will be finishing up close to Passover. What a great thing to get myself prepared for a new spiritual and biblical year by absorbing the whole bible first. Very nice. Check it out!



  1. check out our new online netbible that we are working on see http://beta.net.bible.org See especially the search and the daily bible reading tab. If you log in it will remember your daily reading plan
    David Austin
    exec director bible.org

  2. Thanks David, I will take a look.

  3. That's fantastic! I am leading a group of high schoolers at our youth group through the B90Days program and we're all loving it. This is my second time through. I plan to do it every January as a wonderful way to begin the new year.

    You don't have to register to do it! One thing you could do though, is read Amy's blog www.momstoolbox.com. She does a daily devotional post on the day's reading. Also there is a Twitter chat every Monday night from 6-7pm Pacific time (not ideal for the dinner hour but it's only once a week.) You'll get some extra support and info there.
